This is APRS Device use ESP32, it’s designed as a device that you can every day carry with week-charge, so other people can know my environment changed, and my location changed, and know my history track.
It’s planed Support environment sensors, GPS location, Real-time Network, and enough battery support. Under here is the todo list.
Plan Support List
Real-time Network
- 4G网络模块: 4G network module
Environment Sensors
- 温湿度传感器: Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- 风向角度传感器: Wind Direction Sensor
- 风速传感器: Anemometer (Wind Speed Sensor)
- 雨量传感器: Rain Gauge Sensor
- 气压传感器: Barometric Pressure Sensor
GPS Location System
- GPS定位模块: GPS module
Battery Support System
- 电量供应系统: battery support system
Plastic Housing
- 塑料外壳: Plastic Housing
WeChat Alarm System
- 微信报警系统: WeChat Alarm System
- 这里是该项目的地址,欢迎Star: