10000 Page Views - 成就达成1w次观看

创建这个blog已经超过了3个月,与此同时,也算达成了一些微微小的成就,超过了10000次 Page View。
This blog has been running over 3 months, and I have achieved 10000 Page Views.


不知道这个1w次 Page View算是页面或是所有的请求都算上,还是只有html页面的才算,不管哪种方式,对我来说也算是一个小小的正反馈,人世间最大的乐趣在于有人愿意和你交流,而有人看到我写的文章,也算是交流的一种。如果有些评论之类的那就更好了:)

但是我也发现了我的访客的国家构成,以Cloudflare的过去30天的数据来看,我的访客 只有一小部分是中国的,而其他相当一部分来自世界各地。这也直接解答了我很早之前的疑惑,那就是看某些人的blog的时候,会发现,他们会在blog里会更新一些英文的文章,我当时还纳闷,怎么国内的blog更新一些英文的内容,这么奇怪,原来受众是不一样的,中文内容只是给部分国内的访问者看。

所以为了照顾我那批小的国外浏览者,我决定是时候开启国际化进程了。但是找寻hexo 和 next博客主题的国际化方案,并没有什么比较不错的方式,所以我决定开启自己的国际化探索。


10000 page view在当今社会 已经是一个很小的微不足道的成就,但对我来说意义非凡,我将会一直不断地更新下去。

English Version

This blog has been running over 3 months, and I have achieved 10000 Page Views.

I don’t know this 10000 page views is either all requests or just html pages requests. whatever, that’s a small positive feedback for me.

According to the data of Cloudflare’s past 30 days, my visitors are only a small part of China,
and the rest of them are from all over the world. So that directly answers my earlier doubt. That is, Why a Chinese blog update some English articles, so strange, I was confused. For the blog creators, Chinese content is just for a small part of the domestic visitors.

So to accommodate my small foreign visitors, I decided to start the internationalization process. But I found that there was no good way to internationalize hexo and next blog themes. So I decided to start my own internationalization exploration.

Which means, I will put Chinese and English in the same article, by the way it can improve my English writing skills.

10000 page view in the current society is already a small micro-achievement, but it is extremely significant for me, I will continue to update it constantly.